Updated 7th March 2021
Alert Level 1
This page is to keep our customers informed on the ways we can support you during COVID-19. We will keep this page updated regularly, but we are available to answer phone calls if you have any additional questions.
Remember to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
- Stay at home if you feel unwell. Give us a call to arrange alternative Prescription pick up.
- Wash your hands with soap and water often (at least 20 seconds). Then Dry.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues.
- Practice social distancing.
- Wear a mask in store if you can.
Business as Usual – but different
Please be assured that during this lockdown period, Pharmacy services will remain available to you. All of our Pharmacies, Mansfield, Kiripaka and Paramount (beside Countdown in Tikipunga) are still open every day.
All prescription and Pharmacy retail items are available.
Our Hours
These are the hours that our door is open to take care of your needs, whether you need to pick up a prescription or need to purchase an item from the Pharmacy. It is really important that when you come to see us that you continue to maintain your social distancing and if there is a queue, that you wait for your turn whilst still being two metres away from the person in front of you and the person at the back of you.
See below for the updated hours for each store:
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Sunday: CLOSED
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED
Please be aware that it can sometimes take 24 hours for a prescription to get to us from the Doctor after you have seen/spoken to them. It can then take another 24 hours for us to fill the prescription. Please note that ACUTE prescriptions eg: for antibiotics are given priority and we will attend to these in faster timeframes.
Our telephones may become overloaded on many occasions as people take the opportunity to communicate with us by phone instead of coming in. We apologise in advance if you find it hard to get hold of us. Keep trying. Please note that we are only able to answer the telephone during our opening hours.
Paramount: (09) 435 3323
Kiripaka: (09) 437 0001
Mansfield: (09) 438 4323
Deliveries and Depot Services
We continue to deliver to many of our patients (especially those over 70 years old). We advise that the following delivery charges will apply:
Daily deliveries to Hospice remain free.
Daily deliveries to The Falls Estate Lifestyle Village, The Palms Retirement Village cost $5.00.
Daily deliveries to over 70’s cost $5.00.
Daily deliveries to local areas (Tikipunga, Kamo, Kensington, Regent) cost $5.00.
Weekly deliveries to non-local areas (Maunu, Onerahi, Raumanga) cost $7.00.
For deliveries as required we can courier them for a charge of $10.00 – one-off. (Uncertain of delivery time).
Communities of Hikurangi, Ngunguru, Tutukaka and Matapouri. We are continuing to offer our Depot service to you. This service provides for your medicines and any retails items to be confidentially delivered your general store for you to collect. There is a small $4.00 fee for this service which you pay to the depot along with any medicine cost. We encourage you to stay in your communities and use this service.
If you are one of our patients that access our INR services, we advise that this is continuing. If your INR test is due, please ring the Pharmacy on that morning and we will discuss the procedure with you.